We have often heard about being caught on the wrong foot, caught on the back foot, and so on. But due to my association with the so called ‘Right Wing Organisations’, I have always been caught on the right foot! My comments on any issue of national importance are seen from the prism of a Right Wing Thinker. A Congressmen is considered an independent thinker, is secular and is a responsible citizen of this country. But a Swayamsevak or BJP Karyakarta is considered to be communal, biased and unaware of‘Youth Psychology’. I have no particular provocation to write this piece. However, from whatever I have seen during my over a decade long association with the RSS, I could not resist but write this.
Recently, the Allahabad High Court Verdict took the country by storm. All the pseudo seculars were hoping that a pro-mosque verdict will be given. And thus, they kept telling people like us that the verdict will have to be accepted and that peace be maintained. Respect for the Judiciary was at its peak. Some people did ask for a hospital or peace centre at the disputed site, but I am sure, they neither have any basis nor any idea about what the issue stands for. However, when the verdict was pronounced, the seculars were left with no words. Suddenly, the judiciary was slammed for allowing faith to influence the ruling. As if that was not enough, court ruled that ‘The disputed building was constructed by Babar, the year is not certain but it was built against the tenets of Islam. Thus, it cannot have the character of a mosque.’ Though the 1992 demolition has no links with the verdict, seculars were left red faced since the demolition of a redundant structure does not amount to such a big crime as bringing down a religious structure.
In all, the judgment might have been seen as an attempt to arrive at a Win-Win solution. And it has done just that. But the secularists have lost. Their argument was based on everything that the court has turned down. The stand of the Sangh Parivar stood vindicated and that was the most painful part of the verdict for Sangh bashers. Some people in the media did try to link the demolition with the verdict, but there were hardly any takers. All this while our arguments were treated as emotional and political rather than with any backing of facts. However, at this point of time, we have the logic and facts on our side.
People committed to the Sangh ideology have never had a problem in reaching out to people. But this verdict will get the more moderate ones amongst us to stand by their dream of a Grand Ram Mandir at Ayodhya, the birth place of Shri Ram. Now, their feelings have the backing of not just historians and history, but the High Court as well.
Not that I have not enjoyed it before, but the recent verdict has surely given us an opportunity to hold our head high and be self-assertive. We are soldiers fighting for a cause, for restoring our self-esteem and glory. It is a fight for the country’s pride. The battle has been won. The war, hopefully, will be won before it starts. As the lyrics of a popular song go, ‘only when we remove the Ravan from our heart, will we find Ram in there’.
I pray for Ram Rajya to take over soon.
Jai Hind! Jai Shri Ram!